Vincent J. Bono, J.D.

Company Visionary

Vince Bono worked his way through Seton Hall Law School by helping lawyers and federal employees plan for a stronger retirement. After graduation, Vince became a licensed Reinsurance Intermediary helping high wealth clients and business owners obtain insurance, when other companies declined to insure them. 

In 1984 Vince joined his friend Lawrence Taro (Mister T) in creating the CBS Movie of the Week, “The Toughest Man In The World”, and while in Hollywood wrote eight additional made for TV stories. In 1987 Vince returned to the high-risk insurance industry and founded The Insurance Exchange of America, which was sold in 1991. 

In 1991 Vince changed industries and founded Vista International Communications, a regional long distance phone carrier specializing in mid-sized businesses. In 1997 Vince sold Vista to an AT&T subsidiary and retired, but not for long. 

In 2003 Vince founded Federal Employee Advocates, helping tens of thousands of federal employees plan for a stronger federal retirement. Contemporaneously, Vince helped create Safe Money Innovators… the rest is history!


Martha L. Warren, MA Theoretical Mathematics

Martha began her business career with IBM in 1997, as a software designer on a proprietary mathematical analysis tool for use in IBM’s semiconductor industry. Martha’s last role at IBM was that of deployment manager which included instructing engineers on how to properly analyze the available data.

In 2001, Martha became the Chief Information Officer of Insurance IQ, and in 2012, when the company was sold, she founded Federal Employee Advocates and developed an opt-in database of over 2,000,000 federal employees, who were seeking guidance on maximizing their benefits and planning for a stronger federal retirement. 

Val Majewski

Vice President of Business Development

As Vice President of Sales and Marketing at American Benefits Exchange, Val Majewski specializes in educating and training federal employees with regards to their benefits and retirement information.  He is the host of The Federal Retirement Show podcast & author of the book titled “There’s No Excuse: Your Guide to Maximizing Your Federal Employee Benefits”.   Prior to joining the team at American Benefits Exchange, Majewski played 11 seasons as a professional baseball player, reaching the Major League level with the Baltimore Orioles in 2004.

Team Members

Brian Swerdlow
Senior Advisor

Marsha Golan McCarthy

Marsha Golla McCarthy
Senior Advisor

Jerry DeSimone
Senior Advisor

Rene Broussard
Senior Advisor

Robbie Thompson
Senior Advisor

Brent Ford
Senior Advisor

John Morris
Senior Advisor

Darren Candiotty, J.D.
Senior Advisor

Matt Thompson
Senior Advisor

Meladee Rudolph
Senior Advisor

Chris Neuert
Senior Advisor

Tyler Thiel
Senior Advisor

Tucker Waits
Senior Advisor

Daryl Blackmon
Senior Advisor

Cameron Bryant
Senior Advisor

Carolyn M. Tobin
Webinar Host

Olivia Voznenko
On-Air Personality

Katy Gray Jackson
Media Coordinator

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